The World's Finest Cigars Online


Welcome to Simply Cigars, one of the UK's leading online cigar specialists. We stock cigars from around the world including all Cuban Havana cigars including Cohiba, Montecristo, Upmann, Bolivar, Romeo Y Julietta, Partagas as well as a complete range of cigar humidors and cigar accessories at low prices and shipped worldwide.

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Cigar Samplers

Embarking on the journey of cigar smoking is a venture into a world of refinement and rich flavours. Cigar samplers serve as your gateway into this expansive universe, providing you with the opportunity to explore a multitude of brands and sizes. These samplers allow you to experiment and discover your unique preferences - to find that perfect cigar which complements your favourite beverage and suits your palate like no other.
At Simply Cigars, our vast array of cigar sampler packs is designed to cater to every taste and preference. We are dedicated to helping you find the ideal sampler for your cigar journey. If you have any inquiries about our products or services, our team is always on hand to assist - your satisfaction is our priority. Whether you are a seasoned cigar connoisseur or a newcomer embarking on your first foray into the world of cigar smoking, our sampler packs offer a unique opportunity to discover new flavours and sizes. Don't hold back - dive into the exciting world of cigars with a Simply Cigars sampler pack today!



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