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Founded in 1872, luxury accessories brand S.T.Dupont epitomises French elegance.
Every S.T.Dupont item retains the quality craftsmanship upon which the brand was built, making it the ideal choice for the sophisticated traveller and lover of fine things.
ST Dupont, the French luxury brand, has stepped in again to be one of the first to provide an innovative luxury electric lighter with no gas in an elegant slim shape that can be easily carried everywhere. The lighter can be charged anytime and anywhere, just like your phone.
Packed with technology, the E-Slim lighter features an incandescent filament suitable for all conditions. It's very convenient to use, you just need to open the cap and push on the trigger. The filament can also be changed to optimise its functionality.
The lighter is so thin (only 9mm thick) that it can fit in the most petite jeans pocket or into your cigarette case.
Power every day, fun forever, exceptional as always.