The Art of Pairing Cigars and Spirits

The timeless ritual of enjoying spirits and cigars in tandem has witnessed a resurgence in popularity in the UK over the past few years. An array of events now grace the British social calendar, focusing on harmonising specific whiskies with particular cigars, all while delving into the delightful world of flavour combinations. If you’ve ever…

Why choose cigars for a Christmas gift?

Why choose cigars for a Christmas gift? No, this is not a trick question! If you know someone who loves the occasional or frequent cigar, you just can’t go wrong with cigars as a Christmas gift. Any cigar lover will tell you there is no such thing as too many cigars; provided they have somewhere…


As we’ve discovered, the world of vintage cigars is poorly defined, and even less understood. With some information from a few specialists, I found out that vintage buyers can be divided into two distinct groups. Dr. Maximilian Herzog, owner of three cigar specialist stores in Berlin, is regarded as a shrewd broker on the vintage…

A cigar-lovers’ guide to surviving the wedding season

The wedding season is upon us and there is no better way to celebrate than to share cigars. However, before you start planning you cigar purchases, there are a few key considerations to take into account. Do the numbers. If you’re a generous kind of person and intend to share the cigars around, make a rough estimate…

Cigar & Spirits: Should I Decant Wine & Spirits?

Should I Decant Wine & Spirits? There’s nothing better than an evening of good company, good conversations, and of course, good whisky and a cigar. The question is: how do you serve your whisky? We don’t mean neat or on the rocks, as that is the preference of the drinker. We are talking decanters. Are they…

The Origins of Cigar Aficionado

Cigar Aficionado is the worlds best selling  magazine that is dedicated to the world of cigars. Published since September 1992, the magazine is known for its articles about different brands of cigars worldwide, and for the celebrities that have appeared on its cover. It is also noted for its opposition to the Cuban embargo. The…

Patrick Mavros – The Ultimate Cigar Ashtrays

We are BIG fans of Patricks work and it was great to see him in this months Cigar Aficionado. Self-taught artisan and cigar lover Patrick Mavros has turned his stunning, wildlife-themed silver creations into a top luxury brand. Here are some quotes from the article by Andrew Nagy and portraits by Matt Furman. “Seated on…

The History Of Tobacco In London

The history of tobacco in London started with Sir Francis Drake who first brought tobacco to English shores from the New World in 1573. Even then, British sailors had previously obtained tobacco, either for chewing or smoking, from fellow Spanish and Portuguese sailors. Tobacco Dock, where tonnes of tobacco was stored during the 19th century….

Winston Churchill’s 50th Anniversary Biography Quotes

You write that when you were growing up, your father would recite Churchill quotes. Can you recall any in particular? London Mayor Boris Johnson grew up with Winston Churchill. That is, his parents would often quote the British Bulldog around the house. So when Churchill’s estate asked Johnson to write a biography to commemorate the…