Our Apsley and Arundel and cigar humidors are made from wood, as it provides a suitable environment for storing cigars. Here is a general process of how our cigar humidors are made: Material selection: At the heart of our range of desktop humidors lies a meticulous combination of materials. Starting with a sturdy plywood base adorned…
Category: Cigar Guide
Discover the Ultimate Guide to Cigars for New Smokers | Simply Cigars
Mastering Elegance: The Artistry Behind Our Simply Cigars Handmade Leather Cigar Cases
In an age of mass production and rapid consumption, the allure of handcrafted items remains unparalleled. Handmade leather cigar cases stand out as symbols of luxury, sophistication, and meticulous craftsmanship. Each piece tells a story of skill, tradition, and the timeless appeal of leather. This article delves into the intricate process of manufacturing these elegant…
Mastering the Art of Pairing Cigars and Coffee: A Connoisseur’s Guide
For aficionados of both the leaf and the bean, there exists a sublime synergy in pairing cigars with coffee. The marriage of rich, complex flavours can elevate the experience of each element, creating a sensory symphony that transcends the sum of its parts. However, achieving the perfect pairing requires careful consideration of factors such as…
Buy the Best Cuban Cigars for Under £20 in 2023
Cuban cigars are renowned for their quality and flavour but can also be expensive. Finding a Cuban cigar under £20 in 2023 may be challenging due to rising prices, but some options are still available. Remember that prices vary based on location, taxes, and other factors. Here are five Cuban cigars that are relatively affordable,…
Can you Pair Cigars with Champagne?
This largely depends on personal preference. For some, cigars and champagne can be a luxurious and indulgent treat, while for others, it may not be the best combination. However, the notes of the cigar will affect the taste of the champagne, so it is important to consider the flavours of both items before making a…
A Guide to Pairing Cigars & Beers
Beer is a beloved beverage that captivates our palates and hearts. From Stouts to Indian Pale Ales, Lagers to Bitters, and even Real Ales boasting flavours resembling banana bread, the world of beer offers endless variety. Craft breweries have surged in popularity recently, leading to a newfound fervour in the cigar world. Enthusiasts now seek…
Should Cigars Wrapped in Cellophane be Unwrapped for Storage?
A clear, protective material that is put around many premium cigars. Cellophane was created in 1912. True cellophane is a natural substance made of cellulose, the main component in the cell wall of a plant. A machine makes tubes of cellophane, and workers in a cigar factory slip individual cigars within the tubes. The cellophane…
Stains on cigar wrappers: Green, yellow, black and white spots explained.
Over the years, I have put together an entire collection of cigars with wrappers of various discolouration. I’m not talking about cigar bloom, an effect that can be removed from the wrapper. Discolouration of the wrapper cannot be removed since it is usually a pigment fault in the leaf. Green or greyish green stains, yellow…
The Magic Behind Maduro Cigars
Cigars come in many colours. From green to midnight black, cigar colour is the result of fermentation or so we are led to believe. In order to fully understand how a maduro wrapper is made, we have to look into the dark side of cigar making. Although it is generally true that fermentation determines tobacco…
Ashes to Ashes
At first sight merely the waste after enjoyment, ash performs an important function and reveals a lot about the cigar. The most important function of ash is its influence on the burn temperature. The longer the ash, the less oxygen reaches the burning end of the cigar, which in turn reduces the burning temperature and…