The World's Finest Cigars Online


Welcome to Simply Cigars, one of the UK's leading online cigar specialists. We stock cigars from around the world including all Cuban Havana cigars including Cohiba, Montecristo, Upmann, Bolivar, Romeo Y Julietta, Partagas as well as a complete range of cigar humidors and cigar accessories at low prices and shipped worldwide.

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Padron Cigars

For over 50 years, Piloto Cigars Inc. has been a leading producer of premium Padron cigars. Padrón cigars are renowned worldwide for their unique blend of rich flavours and smooth, aromatic smoke, and Padrón cigars have become a favourite among smokers of all experience levels. Founded in Miami by Cuban native José Orlando Padrón, Padrón Cigars is a privately held company that produces high-quality cigars using only the finest local and imported ingredients.

Whether an experienced smoker or just starting, Padrón cigars are perfect for an afternoon with friends or an evening unwinding after a long day. With a wide selection of available flavorful blends, the Padron Cigars team has something to suit every taste and occasion. So why wait? Visit today to learn more about our cigars and find your perfect Padré experience!
