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Indulge in a diverse selection of premium cigars celebrating rich flavours and masterful craftsmanship. From smooth, elegant blends to bold, robust smokes, this sampler offers a global journey of exceptional tobaccos that will delight both seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike.
Davidoff Primeros Dominican
Crafted from the same high-quality short filaments of tobacco found in the renowned Davidoff No. 2, the Davidoff Primeros Dominican in Petit Panetela format offers a refined, smooth smoking experience. Perfect for those seeking a luxurious, brief escape, it provides a moment of beautifully filled time.
La Flor Dominicana El Carajon
This cigar begins with delicate sweet and floral notes, balanced by a soft nuttiness that evolves throughout the smoke. As you progress, the flavours deepen into a vibrant walnut profile, delivering a complex and satisfying experience from start to finish.
Oliva Serie G Cameroon
The Oliva Serie G presents a medium-bodied blend featuring an authentic African Cameroon wrapper. Its unique flavour profile, marked by earthy richness, is perfectly complemented by the natural depth of Nicaraguan fillers, offering a smooth and flavorful smoke.
Antonio Gimenez Shorty Corona
Handcrafted with precision, the Antonio Gimenez Shorty Corona features an Isabela "Pais" filler, Isabela binder, and a rich Java wrapper. This bold, spicy cigar is expertly blended with Cuban-seed tobaccos, creating a full-bodied experience that showcases true craftsmanship.
Drew Estate Acid Blondie
A sweet and aromatic delight, the Drew Estate Acid Blondie is crafted with a blend with a high percentage of Ligero leaf. Infused with sweetness from a sugar syrup binder and distinguished by its signature pigtail cap, this light cigar offers a one-of-a-kind smoking experience.
PDR Cigars El Criollito Purito
Featuring a meticulously aged Nicaraguan Criollo and Dominican filler blend, the PDR El Criollito Purito is wrapped in an Ecuadorian Criollo Rosado leaf with a hearty San Andrés Mexican binder. This small but flavorful cigar delivers a rich, balanced smoke with a hint of spice.
This sampler contains...
1 x Davidoff Primeros Dominican Cigar - 1 Single
1 x Drew Estate Acid Blondie Cigar - 1 Single (38 x 4")
1 x Antonio Gimenez Shorty Corona Cigar - 1 Single (44 x 3 1/2")
1 x La Flor Dominicana El Carajon Cigar - 1 Single (34 x 4")
1 x Oliva Serie G Cameroon Cigar - 1 Single (38 x 4")
1 x PDR Cigars El Criollito Purito Cigar - 1 Single (34 x 4 1/2")