Indulge in the exquisite craftsmanship of Don Tomás cigars, meticulously handcrafted in Estelí, Nicaragua. Each cigar is a testament to precision, blending select Dominican, Mexican, and Columbian Cuban seed fillers with a natural Indonesian or Mexican Maduro wrapper.
Savouring a Don Tomás cigar offers a mild-to-medium-bodied experience, with nuanced flavours of coffee, toast, and delicate spices dancing on the palate. Every cigar is adorned with a distinctive purple cigar band and expertly encased in cellophane for a pristine presentation.
With a Honduran Connecticut binder and a spicy Habano wrapper sourced from Nicaragua, Don Tomás cigars deliver a medium-bodied smoking experience unparalleled in quality. Renowned for their impeccable glossy colour and silky construction, these cigars exemplify a commitment to excellence that aficionados cherish.