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Length: 4 7/8"
Ring Gauge: 50
Flavour: Medium
Packaging: 1 Single Tubed Cigar
Regius Cigars Ltd was founded in 2010 by a small group of cigar enthusiasts in London. They partnered with the leading cigar manufacturers of Cuban descent, based in the northern mountains of Nicaragua, employing over 500 cigar rollers. They produce elegant, hand-made cigars old-fashioned with modern technology and advanced, innovative cultural methods.
Since its conception, Regius Cigars has been highly credited by the world’s leading cigar-related journals and commentators, notably Cigar Aficionado Magazine, which recently rated Regius in their top 25 cigar brands in the USA.
Every Regius cigar is individually checked before leaving the factory, ensuring consistency of draw and construction. The Regius blend has been exceptionally well received by a new generation of hand-made cigar aficionados who favour a smooth and easy, yet complex, smoke.
This cigar is a more full-bodied creation and is consistent with being the preferred vitola of true cigar aficionados. The taste is perfectly smooth, and the smoke lingers on the palate, creating a beautiful, rich aftertaste.
The original release by Regius is a medium-bodied masterpiece made of all Nicaraguan tobaccos, masterfully blended to enhance your relaxation with a delicate complexity and satisfying balance.
The Latin Regius denotes a ‘King’. We present you with a regal smoking experience: to enjoy a hand-made King of Cigars.
Gaius Petronius Arbiter (AD27) was a Roman writer and courtier who devoted himself to a life of pleasure for Emperor Nero. Showing a capacity for outrageous indulgence, Nero regarded him as the absolute authority on questions of taste (arbiter elegantiae), especially with the science of alchemy.
The superb brand of cigars ‘Regius’ was created in his memory. The alchemy of cultivating and blending the finest aged tobacco to achieve the best possible taste, an even burning quality and elegant aromas.
We invite you to be arbiter elegant, the judge of elegance, of the beautifully hand-crafted and flavoursome creations that are Regius Cigars.
Cigar Journal – 95
Cigar Aficionado – 91
Wall Street Journal – Top 12
Stogie Rate – 91
Cigar-Coop – 94
Leaf Enthusiast – 9.5/10
A Cigar Smoker – 91
Blind Man’s Puff – 89