Why Do I Need a Cigar Humidor?

At some point fairly early on in your journey as a new cigar smoker, you are going to need to look into buying a humidor. The need will strike you when you start browsing in your cabinets for cigars to smoke and find yourself running across dried-up or moldy cigars that have suffered from the…

How to travel with Cigars

We sometimes have people contacting us who are worried about traveling with cigars while away on business or while on holiday. If you follow these simple guidelines we are confident your cigars will remain in good condition, but if you have any questions or comments you can e-mail us or if you would like to see…

How To Age Cigars & Improve their Flavour

There is an increasing demand for aged cigars which can be achieved by ageing cigars in a properly maintained humidor, the general rule is that the flavour of the cigars will continue to improve for up to ten years. After that amount of time, cigars will no longer show any significant amount of improvement, although…

Preparation for Smoking a Handmade Cigar

Preparation for Smoking a Handmade Cigar can provide a great deal of enjoyment and it should not be rushed. Allow yourself time to appreciate the whole experience, from choosing and cutting to lighting and smoking. The pleasurable ritual of smoking a cigar begins with cutting. Most modern experts agree that the best way to cut…

Choosing your Cigar

Choosing your cigar is not a simply as it sounds. Cigars come in many shapes and sizes and colours. It is often difficult for a neophyte cigar smoker to get a complete understanding of the how these factors affect the taste. The shape of the cigar is perhaps the hardest thing to describe since there…

Cigar Etiquette

In 1967 Zino Davidoff outlined cigar etiquette for smokers in his noted essay for connoisseurs. It is a charter and code for cigar smokers everywhere, and it remains as valid today as when he first wrote it. Among his directives were the following do’s and don’ts. Do warm the foot of the cigar slightly before…