The World's Finest Cigars Online


Welcome to Simply Cigars, one of the UK's leading online cigar specialists. We stock cigars from around the world including all Cuban Havana cigars including Cohiba, Montecristo, Upmann, Bolivar, Romeo Y Julietta, Partagas as well as a complete range of cigar humidors and cigar accessories at low prices and shipped worldwide.

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Plasencia Cigars

Plasencia Cigars, originating from Nicaragua, is named after the brand’s owner, Nestor Plasencia. Nestor Plasencia has factories in Honduras and Nicaragua, a key figure in the cigar industry. He has been integral in establishing leading cigar brands, such as Rocky Patel and Alec Bradley.

Offering smooth yet complex medium-bodied smokes, the Plasencia range boasts years of industry experience held by the Plasencia family. Crafted from Nicaragua and Honduras tobacco, their range of cigars presents some of the best flavours these areas have to offer.

Vibrant and intense, you can expect dark chocolate, plum, molasses and cinnamon notes in these smokes, providing a rich smoking experience.

The Plasencia cigars are all larger than life – while the Robusto and Toro are standard sizes, they are on the bigger side with their 52 and 54-ring gauges. However, the Sixto cigar is where we find a smoke that borders on the ridiculous – its 60-ring gauge is one of the biggest on offer in a cigar range!


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