What are loyalty points & how do I get some?
When you shop with us, every purchase is worth loyalty points. Every £100 = 1 loyalty point, equal to a 1% discount. You can choose to spend or save these points over time.
When you make a purchase, your loyalty points will be added to your account. Then, when you come back to make another purchase, you could use these points to give a discount or save them and build up more points to use in the future.
If you return items, your loyalty points are deducted accordingly. Also, loyalty points cannot be used on items already on sale.
How do I use loyalty points?
Loyalty points are automatically assigned to your account. It may take 48 hours for your points to show up in case of returns or manual adjustments.
By logging into your account, you can see how many points you have collected and what discount that equates to. You can do this by clicking 'My Account' at the top of this page.
When you get to the checkout, you will again see how many loyalty points/discounts you have, and by selecting one or other of the loyalty point option buttons, you can choose to spend or save before you complete the order.
When you spend the discount, your order value will be adjusted accordingly, and your points will then reset to zero so you can start saving again. Loyalty points cannot be used on any items already on sale.