At Simply Cigars, we strive to bring you the best selection of the world's finest cigars and accessories. We hunt high and low, critically reviewing emerging and established brands' tastes, aromas and finishes. After careful consideration that any given cigar meets our discerning standards, you will find it featured on our 'latest product' pages.
You will find limited editions, new releases and cigars with restricted availability. These listings allow you to try some of the latest and most exclusive cigars on the market, ensuring you have the most up-to-date knowledge to keep your aficionado status high.
Our extensive range of cigars also makes for the perfect gift; you can choose a favourite brand, surprise someone with something new, or allow them to try a range of cigars with a beautifully presented sampler gift set. Here is a selection of our favourite flavours and brands we currently feature.
Look no further than the La Invicta for a classic, premium Honduran cigar rich in flavour and heritage. Affordable and well-made, they have a natural, medium-bodied, well-balanced, creamy, and smooth draw with sweet spice aromas; try our individually wrapped Robusto, Petit Corona, or Corona.
Winston Churchill cigars is an enticing new series from Davidoff, which offers a luxurious blend of select, all Dominican-grown tobaccos wrapped in flawless Dominican wrappers that shimmer with rich flavour. For a medium-bodied, full-flavoured smoke that pampers the palate with a long, complex finish, you must give them a try.
For a wonderfully distinctive and characteristic mild fragrance, try a Macanudo cigar. They are handmade in the Dominican Republic and use only extensively matured tobaccos to ensure a consistently enjoyable aromatic experience. Have a taster with one of our singles, or indulge in a box of 25.
We have extended our latest product range to encompass all things pleasing, which we believe will delight any aficionado and enhance their cigar experience. Of course, a humidor is an absolute must for anyone wishing to keep their cigars in tip-top condition, and here we feature a staggering array of beautiful boxes and de luxe cabinets. In addition, the ritual of lighting a cigar will be enriched with one of our great lighters in a range of stunning finishes. Finally, our selection of modern hygrometers will ensure long-term accuracy in displaying your humidor's relative humidity and temperature.
Finally, to complete the perfect cigar experience, we have a high-quality range of accompaniments, such as a perfectly paired whisky, which can be decanted and served from our exceptional crystal & sterling silver decanters.