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A selection of mild to medium flavour cigars with a wonderful mellow taste. This sampler includes cigars which are medium in strength, short and robust size cigars from Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
Hoyo de Monterrey originates from the town of San Juan y Martinez, which lies at the heart of the Vuelta Abajo zone. It lacks the strength of the Cohibas, but it is superior to the Upmanns. Mild flavours at first blended nicely into a complex finish. Excellent smoke!
Celebrating life. Davidoff Aniversario introduces unconventional harmonies of exquisite aromas and irresistible aftertastes for those special occasions. A beautifully crafted and wholly unconventional cigar, the Short Perfecto addresses the senses with an exquisite harmony of leather, nuts, black pepper and spices. Nothing goes better with an aperitif.
Montecristo is the best-known and probably most appreciated brand of Habanos throughout the world. The Open range offer Montecristo lovers a medium-bodied smoke still offering Montecristo classic flavours. Montecristo's perfectly balanced blends are created exclusively with selected filler and binder leaves from the Vuelta Abajo zone, home of the finest tobaccos in the world.
This sampler contains...
1 x Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 Cigar - 1 Single (50 x 4 7/8")
1 x Davidoff Aniversario Short Perfecto Cigar - 1 Single (52 x 4 7/8")
1 x Montecristo Open Master Cigar - 1 Single (50 x 4 7/8")