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Where the leaves have been grown and where the cigars have been rolled and aged can determine the different flavours, aromas and experience of cigars. Located in Central America, Nicaragua is one of the most famous and well known places for New World cigars and Nicaraguan cigars have become some of the most popular cigars in the world. This sampler is a selection of tasty Nicaraguan cigars.
Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of the Fernandez cigar legacy, A.J. produces unparalleled premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day-to-day operations are managed under the watchful eye of A.J. and his father Ismael, with assistance from the rest of his extended family. Blend 15 by A.J Fernandez is the first time that AJ has ventured into premium bundled cigars. These cigars are 100% Nicaraguan Puros, handmade long filler cigars.
The Quorum Classic Short Robusto cigars have been handmade in Nicaragua. This one includes Nicaraguan Fillers and binders with Equador-Sumatra wrapper, smooth, flavourful smoke which is medium in strength.
Plasencia Alme del Fuego radiates passion and highlights the string character of the volcanic soil that stems from the Ometepe Island. Sun-grown wrappers from the fields of Jalapa Valley were carefully selected, complementing the cigar with a sweet character.
The Charatan Robusto is a unique blend of Nicaraguan and Indonesian tobacco. Charatan is a uniquely British cigar; a light to medium smoke with outstanding complexity of flavour that can be enjoyed anywhere, at any time.
This sampler contains...
1 x Charatan Robusto Cigar - 1 Single (50 x 4 1/2")
1 x Quorum Classic Short Robusto Cigar - 1 Single(50 x 3 1/2")
1 x Plasencia Alma Del Fuego Candente Cigar - 1 Single (50 x 5")
1 x A.J. Fernandez Blend 15 Short Robusto Cigar - 1 Single (50 x 3 1/2")