Cigar strength: medium to full
Prepare to indulge in the rich and bold flavour of Jose L. Piedra cigars, renowned for their exceptional quality. What sets these cigars apart is their unique blend of tobaccos sourced exclusively from the Remedios tobacco region in Cuba. By employing the Totalmente a Mano, Tripa Corta technique, Jose L. Piedra cigars boast an added layer of complexity and depth that captivates the senses.
The Piedra family's legacy in the cigar industry dates back to the 1880s when they immigrated from Spain to Cuba. Settling near Santa Clara, a town nestled in the heart of the Remedios tobacco region, they became an integral part of the area's rich tobacco heritage. Jose Lamadrid Piedra, the visionary behind the brand, established and cultivated his eponymous cigar line, which continues to be revered as one of the finest Habanos available on the market.
Whether you're an experienced aficionado or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, the Jose L. Piedra experience is one that cannot be missed. Explore the remarkable quality and bold flavors that have made this brand a staple in the industry.