Experience the legendary Casa Magna, acclaimed as Cigar Aficionado's Number 1 Cigar of the Year in 2008, achieving an impressive 93 rating. Still holding its ground as one of the top 10 cigars globally in 2011, Casa Magna continues to captivate aficionados worldwide.
Handcrafted as Nicaraguan Puros by the master rollers at Placencia's renowned factory in Nicaragua, Casa Magna cigars epitomize excellence. Smooth yet rich, these full-bodied gems tantalize the senses with luscious notes of coffee and spices, delivering an indulgent smoking experience.
Enveloped in a beautifully oily Colorado wrapper, Casa Magna premiums boast a richness that belies their reasonable price point. A collaborative masterpiece between Nestor Placencia and Manuel Quesada, Casa Magna cigars stand out for their impeccable quality, exquisite flavour, and exceptional value, solidifying their status as super-premium cigars of unparalleled distinction.