Introducing the Mitchellero Peru cigar, a meticulously handcrafted blend made in Nicaragua. This bold and complex cigar combines Nicaraguan and Peruvian long-filler leaves to create a unique smoking experience that builds upon the structure of our original Mitchellero Nicaragua range.
The Mitchellero Peru cigars offer a delightful combination of flavours. With a woody undertone and nutty essence, this blend is enhanced by notes of espresso that become more pronounced as you progress through the cigar. The addition of Peruvian leaf adds a touch of dark chocolate to the palate, further enriching the overall taste profile.
Whether you're seeking a bolder and more intricate smoking experience or are a fan of our original Mitchellero Nicaragua range, the Mitchellero Peru cigars will captivate your senses. Delve into the world of complex flavours and indulge in the craftsmanship of these exceptional Nicaraguan-made cigars.