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Davidoff Mixed Selection Sampler - 5 Cigars

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“Davidoff, the pinnacle of perfection - for those that like a taste of luxury”

Each and every Davidoff cigar is unique and distinct in flavour. Yet, they all have a familiar commonality that instinctively tells you – this is clearly a Davidoff. The reason? All of their cigars are handcrafted by experts with a passion to deliver a level of sophistication and refinement that allows each aficionado to fill time beautifully.

The Davidoff Nicaragua Experience The 100% Puro Nicaraguan blend combines a 10-year-old Nicaragua Rosado wrapper in a beautiful colour, with a binder from Jalapa and a filler blend of tobaccos from Esteli, Condega and Ometepe. The experience starts off with white peppery notes, joined by typical Nicaraguan stimulation at the back of the palate. In the second third, the cigar starts changing, growing milder, alongside the appearance of an enjoyable sweetness.

The Yamassa is an interesting cigar which will introduce you to an earthy flavour which will be complimented by hints of sweetness and spice. The deep and complex body will slowly reveal an array of beautiful flavours: nuts, spice, coffee, cedar with hints of black pepper. This will really excite your taste buds with every creamy draw!

This sampler includes:

1 x Davidoff - Nicaraguan Experience Robusto Cigar (50x5")

1 x Davidoff Yamasa Robusto Cigar (50 x 5") 

1 x Davidoff Grand Cru No. 5 Cigar (41 x 4")

1 x Davidoff Primeros Maduro Dominican Cigar (34 x 4 1/8")

1 x Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Cigar (34 x 4 1/8")