Brick House cigars are a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts everywhere. Crafted with a dark, reddish-brown sun-grown wrapper and a robust blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers, these medium to full-bodied cigars deliver rich, full flavours that are both complex and smooth. Notes of earth, cedar, pepper, and coffee mingle together. They are complemented by a toasty, slightly sweet finish, making Brick House Cigars an ideal choice for those who love a robust cigar with great complexity and richness.
So if you're looking for something sure to satisfy your craving for flavour, look no further than Brick House cigars. Whether you're sitting back and enjoying a quiet evening at home or celebrating with some friends at your favourite cigar lounge, Brick House is sure to become your new go-to. Try one today and experience the bold flavours and exceptional quality for yourself!