The World's Finest Cigars Online


Welcome to Simply Cigars, one of the UK's leading online cigar specialists. We stock cigars from around the world including all Cuban Havana cigars including Cohiba, Montecristo, Upmann, Bolivar, Romeo Y Julietta, Partagas as well as a complete range of cigar humidors and cigar accessories at low prices and shipped worldwide.

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Christmas Cigar Gifts


Christmas is a wonderful time to express appreciation and love, and for the cigar enthusiast in your life, a premium cigar can be the perfect gift to enhance the celebration. Simply Cigars provides an extensive selection of exquisite cigars that are ideal for this festive season. Here are some of our top cigar gift recommendations to consider:

1. Cigar Gift Pack - Cohiba Siglo II Tube: Cohiba is a legendary brand known for its exceptional quality and rich flavours. The Cohiba Robusto is a classic choice for any cigar lover. Its notes of cedar, leather, and spice make it a truly luxurious smoking experience.
2. Cigar Gift Pack - Montecristo Petit Tubos: Another iconic cigar, the Montecristo Petit Tubos, is a favourite among connoisseurs. With its smooth and complex flavours, including hints of cocoa, coffee, and nuts, this cigar is sure to impress your father.
3. Partagas Gift Pack Cigar Sampler—12 Cigars: Partagas are robust and full-bodied cigars that offer a rich and intense smoking experience. Their deep earthy flavours and notes of coffee and dark chocolate make them a perfect choice for those who enjoy strong cigars.
4. Cigar Gift Pack—Romeo y Julieta No 2 Tubos: The Romeo y Julieta is a classic cigar loved for its smoothness and elegance. With its medium-bodied profile and flavours of wood, leather, and nuts, it provides a balanced and enjoyable smoke.
5. Cigar Gift Pack - H. Upmann Corona Major Tubo: For a truly special gift, consider the H. Upmann Corona Major Tubo. This cigar is known for its complex flavours. It offers a rich blend of cedar, coffee, and spices, making it a memorable choice for Father's Day.
Remember, when gifting cigars, it's important to choose ones that align with your father's preferences. If he enjoys milder cigars, consider options like the Davidoff Grand Cru No. 3 or the medium flavour Zino Nicaragua Half Corona Cigar. If he prefers stronger cigars, explore the Bolivar Belicosos Finos or the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero.

The final piece in the cigar aficionado’s jigsaw is the accessories, which play an important role in the process and enjoyment of the cigar experience. Take a look at our comprehensive selection of lighters, cutters, and ashtrays, and if you're still undecided, there's always our Simply Cigars gift e-voucher!

Whether he's an experienced aficionado or just starting his journey into the world of cigars, these gifts are sure to impress him. So, why wait? Order the perfect cigar gift today and make this Father's Day one to remember!

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