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Discover the captivating journey of the Davidoff Escurio Sampler, featuring four exquisite cigars that promise a dynamic tasting experience. From the very first puff, the blend intrigues with a delightful interplay of spicy and sweet notes, where zesty chili pepper dances alongside creamy undertones.
As you progress into the second third, you'll be delighted by a rich tapestry of flavors, including oak, licorice, ripe fruit, a hint of salt, and hints of leather. The final act introduces enchanting notes of coffee and chili chocolate, culminating in a complex and satisfying finish.
Each cigar in this sampler is a masterclass in flavour evolution, offering unexpected twists and turns that will awaken your palate and create a truly memorable smoking experience. Indulge in the Davidoff Escurio Sampler and embark on a flavourful adventure like no other.
This sampler contains:
1x Davidoff Escurio Gran Toro Cello
1x Davidoff Escurio Petit Robusto Cello
1x Davidoff Escurio Robusto Cello
1x Davidoff Escurio Robusto Tubos