The Highclere Castle Victorian cigar story is a fascinating blend of history, craftsmanship, and dedication to authenticity. Inspired by the rich cigar-smoking tradition at Highclere Castle during the 19th and early 20th centuries, this cigar represents a meticulous effort to recreate the experience enjoyed by aristocrats, royalty, and cultural icons of that era.
The involvement of key figures such as George Herbert, the 8th Earl Carnarvon, Nick Melillo of Foundation Cigar Co., and A.J. Fernandez, renowned for his expertise in Nicaraguan tobacco, underscores the commitment to excellence in every aspect of this project.
The cigar is a blend of carefully selected tobaccos, reflecting the flavours and characteristics reminiscent of the cigars smoked at Highclere Castle. With a Connecticut Shade wrapper, Criollo and Corojo from Jalapa and Ometepe, and a Mata Fina binder from Brazil, the blend is rounded out with an exclusive hybrid seed named Nicadan. Each component has been aged for at least three years, ensuring a refined and harmonious smoking experience.
The attention to historical detail is evident not only in the blend but also in the naming of the cigar. The Highclere Castle Victorian pays homage to the Victorian era, a time of prosperity, innovation, and cultural refinement. It evokes images of grandeur and elegance, mirroring the atmosphere of Highclere Castle during that period.
Through meticulous research and dedication, Lord Carnarvon, Adam Von Gootkin, and Nicholas Melillo have brought to life a cigar that captures the essence of a bygone era and offers a unique and memorable smoking experience for aficionados today. The Highclere Castle Victorian is a testament to their vision and commitment to preserving history in every puff.