The World's Finest Cigars Online


Welcome to Simply Cigars, one of the UK's leading online cigar specialists. We stock cigars from around the world including all Cuban Havana cigars including Cohiba, Montecristo, Upmann, Bolivar, Romeo Y Julietta, Partagas as well as a complete range of cigar humidors and cigar accessories at low prices and shipped worldwide.

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Honduran Cigars

The Honduras Tobacco Industry advanced after the Cuban Revolution in the '60s. During this period, the Cuban tobacco experts made Honduras their new home and bought a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the tobacco industry. Honduras's soil and climate are ideal growing environments for tobacco plants. Cigars made here are of outstanding quality with a distinctive taste and aroma, which makes these cigars a trendy choice.

Honduran cigars have a flavour and aroma that is unique to their country of origin. Honduras's climate and growing conditions give the region's tobacco a fabulous character that many connoisseurs count among their favourites.

Honduran Cigars tend to be stronger than Dominican or Nicaraguan Cigars as they are typically heavy, full-bodied smokes. However, there is also a wide range of milder Honduran cigars available. We stock a selection of Honduran cigars, including La Invicta, Alec Bradley, J Cortes and Camacho.