De Olifant cigars are some of the most sought-after cigars on the market today. These premium, machine-made cigars are made from only the finest tobaccos available, with a Sumatran wrapper and binder from Java and fillers from Cuba, Brazil, and Sumatra. To get the best flavour out of De Olifant cigars, they must be stored in a humidor at all times.
Unlike hand-rolled cigars, which are often quite dry, De Olifant sticks require consistent moisture to achieve their rich, full flavour. With proper storage and care, De Olifant cigars have all the richness and complexity of high-quality hand-rolled smoke. De Olifant cigars are sure to impress whether you're an experienced cigar connoisseur or simply looking for a decadent after-dinner treat. So if you're looking for a genuinely luxurious smoking experience, look no further than De Olifant!