Exclusively crafted for the discerning UK Cigar Smoker, Charatan boasts a unique blend of Nicaraguan and Indonesian tobacco, making it a quintessentially British cigar. With its light to medium body, Charatan offers an exceptional flavour complexity that transcends time and place, ensuring enjoyment wherever and whenever you indulge. A staple for every humidor, Charatan is a must-have for aficionados seeking unparalleled quality.
Carefully curated from the finest Nicaraguan-grown Cuban tobaccos, only the most exceptional harvests are selected for Charatan's filler composition. Utilizing ligero leaves from the top of the plant for their robust aroma, seco leaves from the middle for their lighter nuances, and avocado leaves for their superior quality, Charatan achieves a harmonious balance of flavours. This generously sized cigar exudes the rich, woody notes characteristic of Cuban-style cigars, intertwined with gentle spices for a sublime smoking experience.
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